Hunnan Urban Planning
Project Name:Hunnan Urban Planning
Design Time:2010
Location:Shenyang City,Liaoning Province,China
Area Base:5,762h㎡

Project brief 

    The project base reaches airport expressway in the east, Hanggao Base in the south, planning road on the west side of Harbin - Dalian High-speed Railway in the west, and the third Ring Highway in the north, with a planned area of 5,762 hectares. The plan takes the extension of the central axis of the old city as the central axis of the base, so as to connect and integrate the urban fabric of the new and old city. In addition, a new east-west green corridor axis is added to connect the east, the airport expressway and the west railway station. The green axis will serve as the backbone of the city, providing safe and diverse leisure Spaces for the public, including public transport, commercial space and associated sports facilities.

    In addition, in the urban road design, a 1km square network grid is adopted, which can effectively avoid the intersection of main road and secondary road. The southeast and southwest road grids are connected to the administrative center and CBD, which not only forms the core of the city, but also integrates the green space and other natural environment into the road grid through the east-west green belt.

    In the new city, there will be administrative center, cultural center, business center, health center, sports center and other building Spaces and groups with different functions, which will form an intelligent city block together with roads and a large area of landscape belt.


Ecological corridor▲

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